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Looking to add a feature, enchance an existing one, or contribute to this bot? You have come to the right place!

The first step to contributing to this bot is getting your environment setup. This is covered on the main document under the setup section so make sure you have the prerequisites section checked off before continuing.

Understanding the Bot

Let's understand all the parts of the this repo so we are familiar before we begin

About the Infrastructure

Here is a high level overview of this project and the software/infrastruce that run this bot:


  • This project uses errbot which is a Python based chatop/chatbot framework
  • errbot and all of its components are built using Docker to create a deployable image
  • We use Terraform and GitHub actions to deploy the Docker image (from our CI/CD pipeline) to Azure AKS (Kubernetes)
  • The Docker image runs in a container in Azure AKS and connects to Discord
  • The bot then listens for commands and responds to them
  • For any commands that require some form of "state" we use AWS DynamoDB to store information since containers are ephemeral by design - We use LocalStack to mock AWS when developing locally 😉
  • We store any configuration as environment variables and secrets as k8s secrets which get injected into the container on boot

Project Folder/File Information

What is in each folder?

  • .github/ - Mainly GitHub workflows for actions
  • script/ - Maintenance and automation scripts for working with this project
  • script/k8s/ - Kubernetes deployment scripts for local development
  • script/localstack/ - Files and Dockerfiles related to building the localstack container for development
  • template/ - Template / boilerplate code for new chatops commands
  • terraform/ - Terraform code for deploying errbot resources
  • terraform/aws - AWS related resources
  • terraform/k8s-cluster - The core components of the errbot k8s cluster
  • terraform/k8s - The k8s resources, services, manifests, secrets, etc to get deployed on the k8s-cluster
  • src/ - All the files, data, and configuration for errbot and its related services

  • src/errbot/backend/ - Folder containing extra backend modules (Discord)

  • src/errbot/ - Folder containing all the extra / custom plugins for our chatop commands
  • src/errbot/lib/ - Folder containing shared libraries for plugins

What are these files?

  • .gitignore - Used for ignoring files from Git
  • config.env - Used for adding non-sensitive environment variables to your local instance of errbot
  • creds.env - Used for adding sensitive environment variables to your local instance of errbot
  • docker-compose.yml - Used for starting errbot locally with Docker-Compose
  • Makefile - Used to easily invoke scripts in this repo
  • *.md - Documentation!

Okay, now let's get started!

Running the Bot Locally 🤖

This should look familiar from the setup section

Let's create a local instance of Errbot:

$ make local
[#] Starting local bot test environment
[#] Killing old docker processes
docker-compose rm -fs
Stopping chatbot ... done
Going to remove chatbot
Removing chatbot ... done
[#] Building docker containers
docker-compose build
Building chatbot
[+] Building 1.3s (22/22) FINISHED
[#] TEST Container is now running!
[#] Interact with me over the CLI prompt below

[@local_admin ➡ @errbot] >>>

You can now interact with Errbot from the command line!

Type a command like .help to get an output of all the commands that are available

So what exactly does make local do?

  1. docker-compose rm -fs

    Removes and destroys any errbot_chatbot Docker containers (if running)

  2. docker-compose build

    Rebuilds the errbot_chatbot Docker container and bakes in any new changes you have made. The Docker build packages up components from the src/errbot directory

  3. Runs docker run -it --rm --env-file config.env --env-file creds.env -e LOCAL_TESTING=True errbot_chatbot:latest - Let's break this one down..

    1. This starts the errbot_chatbot:latest container in interactive mode (-it)
    2. Removes the container once you exit the CLI (--rm)
    3. Uses the config.env file to load non-sensitive environment variables (--env-file config.env)
    4. Uses the creds.env file to load sensitive environment variables (--env-file creds.env)
    5. Specifies the LOCAL_TESTING=True environment variable (-e LOCAL_TESTING=True) - Used in app/
    6. Pops open a CLI prompt when complete for you to interact and issues commands to test and develop errbot

Okay, so we started up the bot, hooray! Now lets go over how to create a chatop command

Creating a new ChatOp Command 🛠️

Before we create a new chatop command, let's go over it a bit.

About ChatOp Commands

Click to expand each section and learn more about chatops

What is a chatop command? .help, .uptime, .whoami, .example are all examples of chatop commands The first three commands listed above (.help, .uptime, .whoami) are builtin commands. This means that they come with the errbot framework. The last command listed above (.example) is a plugin command. This means that it is a chatop command which we created for our own use! This guide will focus on plugins which are chatops commands that we write and bake into our chatbot.
Where are chatop commands stored? They are stored in the src/errbot/plugins folder. Each chatop command is then stored in its own subfolder: src/errbot/example
What is the src/errbot/lib folder? Good thing you asked! This is a special folder for storing shared/common libraries between chatop commands. For example, let's say you had two chatop functions .send cat meme and .send dog meme. People were spamming memes too fast so you needed to rate limit both commands. You could add a shared rate_limit_memes() function in src/errbot/lib/common and then import that function into both your cat and dog chatops. Check out the src/errbot/lib folder to see examples in action

Okay cool beans, now that we know a bit more about chatops commands, let's create a brand new one

Creating a command

At the root of this repo you will notice a template folder. This folder contains the bare minimum code to create a brand new chatop command. Since copying this file from the template folder to the src/errbot/template folder takes about 1 brain cell too many, there is a script to do it for you.

Run the following command to copy the template folder into the plugin directory:

make command

Follow the prompts from this script and create a new command (maybe something like .cat meow)

Making a new command by hand (eww) Enter the `src/errbot/template` folder and poke around the two files you see in there for a bit. In order to make a new chatop command you just need to change a few lines to the new name of you function / functions. Let's say we want to make a new chatop command that responds with some simple text like "meow" and it is invoked by typing `.cat meow`. To do so, make the following changes: 1. Change the name of the `src/errbot/template` folder: `src/errbot/template` -> `src/errbot/catmeow` 2. Change the name of the `src/errbot/template/template.plug` file: `src/errbot/template/template.plug` -> `src/errbot/template/catmeow.plug` 3. Change the name of the `src/errbot/template/` file: `src/errbot/template/` -> `src/errbot/template/` 4. Inside of the `src/errbot/template/template.plug` file change all occurrences of `Template` or `template` to `Catmeow` or `catmeow`: Example: `Name = Template # Change me!` -> `Name = Catmeow` Example: `Module = template # Change me!` -> `Module = catmeow` > Note the cases of T/t and C/c above 5. Inside of the `src/errbot/template/` file change the class name: `class Template(BotPlugin): # Change me!` -> `class Catmeow(BotPlugin):` 6. Inside of the `src/errbot/template/` file change the function name: `def template(self, msg, args): # Change me! (function name)` -> `def cat_meow(self, msg, args):` > Note: We use `_` (underscores) in function names to represent spaces in our command. `def cat_meow(...)` becomes `.cat meow` via the chatop 7. To make the `.cat meow` command return something, edit the return message: `return 'Hello world, I am a template!'` -> `return 'meow!'`

Once you follow through all the prompts from the script, you should have a new folder in src/errbot/plugins/<new-command-name>

Open up the Python file in that directory to add some code. It will be a template for you to edit and bring your .cat meow command to life. I will include a snippet below of what it could look like:

from errbot import BotPlugin, botcmd

class CatMeow(BotPlugin):
    """A chat command that sends cat noises"""

    def cat_meow(self, msg, args):
        """Makes a cat noise"""
        return "meeeeoowww"

Let's break down what each line of the snippet above does:

from errbot import BotPlugin, botcmd
# Imports the errbot plugins and decorators to make a function into a bot command
class CatMeow(BotPlugin):
# Creates a new class for all our Cat related bot commands.
# A class can contain many or just a single bot command
@botcmd # The mighty bot decorator that turns the function into a bot command!
def cat_meow(self, msg, args): # The bot command (more info below this code snippet)
    """Makes a cat noise""" # A docstring that can be viewed via the bot's 'help' command
    return "meeeeoowww" # The String which the bot returns when invoked for this bot command

The Bot Command: In the snippet above, the line def cat_meow(self, msg, args) has a lot to unpack. This function has a decorator applied to it that turns it into a bot command. During run time, the BOT_PREFIX from the config.env file (in the root of this repo) get applied to the front of the function name and all _ (underscores) become spaces. So cat_meow ultimately becomes !cat meow as a bot command for example. self, msg, and args are all required errbot params for this function to work. To see what attributes these objects contain I would suggest looking at src/errbot/plugins/example/ or taking a deeper looking into the official errbot documentation. Okay, that's enough of that.. let's start the bot and test out our new .cat meow command!

To test, cd to the root of this repo and run make local.

Your new plugin should be loaded and you can interact with it via the CLI:

Note: I use . to invoke my bot but that is ultimately determined on what you have you BOT_PREFIX set to in the config.env file.

[@local_admin ➡ @errbot] >>> .cat meow


Linting your code

This section is specific to the GrantBirki/errbot repo for the CI/CD pipeline and to adhear to code linting standards in this repo

In order for CI to pass, you must have properly linted code. Luckily, this is extremely easy to do and can be performed in a single command:

$ script/lint

All done! ✨ 🍰 ✨
1 file reformatted, 14 files left unchanged.

That's it! This will lint all *.py files in the repo to ensure they conform to the Black linting guidelines

Linting is just the formatting of your code to a certain standard (ie: no trailing whitespaces, "" quotes instead of '', etc)


So far, in these docs we have been using docker-compose to run the bot. This is great for testing and development but it is not ideal for production or testing changes right before deploying to production.

Like most containerized applications, Kubernetes is a great option. Kubernetes is what I use personally to deploy this bot. In order to closely mimic the docker-compose setup and the production Kubernetes setup we can use minikube to bridge the two together.

Note: docker-compose is still the suggested method for developing locally because it is easier and quicker to test changes. Kubernetes is best suited for testing significant changes right before deploying to production.

To build a local Kubernetes cluster you will need to do following:

  • Install minikube
  • Install kubectl
  • Install docker
  • Edit the script/k8s/errbot/secret.yaml.example
  • Rename the file to secret.yaml
  • Add your CHAT_SERVICE_TOKEN as a base64 encoded string. You can use python3 script/ --string <your-string> to generate a base64 encoded string for the k8s secret
  • Optionally set other secrets or credentials you wish to use in this file and then reference them in the script/k8s/errbot/deployment.yaml file

    ⚠️ Never commit this file as it contains secrets

To start a local Kubernetes cluster with minikube, simply run the following command:

$ make kube

This command will do the following:

  • Start the minikube cluster (if its not already running)
  • Bind Docker to the minikube cluster
  • Build our main errbot image
  • Build our localstack image to mock AWS services (if they are used)
  • Recursively deploy all script/k8s/** manifests to the minikube cluster

Once the make kube command has finished, your bot should be running! 🎉

Extra Context

We use minikube to test Kubernetes changes locally before deploying them to production for extra confidence. For example, if you want to change the resource limits for your errbot container this is something you should certainly test with minikube first. Being able to validate that it "works locally" is a great way to ensure you don't accidentally deploy a broken change to production. For this reason, it is highly suggested to build and test locally with minikube for all/any k8s related changes since testing with docker-compose just won't be sufficient.

Minikube won't ever be a perfect replication of what is running in production, but the idea is that it is as close as possible to catch any crazy bugs that otherwise would not be caught when developing quickly with docker-compose.


It is suggested to write unit tests for your bot in the tests/plugins/ directory. I have personally not done a great job at writing tests for my code, but it is pretty straightforward to write your own tests should you wish to do so:

  1. Create a matching file in the tests/plugins/ directory - Ex: tests/plugins/
  2. Add some test coverage:

    pytest_plugins = ["errbot.backends.test"]
    extra_plugin_dir = './src/errbot/plugins'
    def test_meow(testbot):
        assert 'meeeeoowww' in testbot.pop_message()
  3. Run script/test from the root of the repo to run the test suite

  4. That's it! - Obviously a simple example but hopefully you can see how to write your own tests now

What's next?

Continue on to the helper-functions section to about some helpful functions to use in your bot commands to make life easier.